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September 2019

Shaun Clifford gave us an interesting demonstration showing how to make a cup with handle out of one piece of wood. He had the misfortune to find a hidden crack in the wood towards the end of this project (he is not alone) However he got to the point where with a little more explanation he was able to let us know exactly how it was done. He is not alone in finding such cracks. He was able to follow up with a very nice tea light holder made from a piece of branch.


Andy Coates gave us a superb evening, showing us how he makes useful things from off cuts left over from other work. He does not believe in throwing away odd bits of wood when he can make things from them. This project took some of these bits and laminated them together with a dark veneer. He then proceeded to start the shape of a bowl but quickly stopped and to save wood he then scooped out the middle of the bowl with a parting tool to get wood for the lid. The bowl was then finished and the lid was turned and then finished with a pewter top.  Together with Andy’s excellent explanations we all learnt something I am sure.

February 2020
Neil Cowen stepped in at the last moment to give the demonstration due to illness of  the scheduled demonstrator. He struggled a little as he said that he had no time to practice. In the end he produced a very acceptable garden dibber. Neil does  a lot of good work to keep the club organised so thank you for your efforts this evening.

September 2021
Paul Howard gave us the first demonstration for 18 months. He showed us how to make a Trumkreisel which is a stand on which you can spin a top without it dropping off. Paul showed us a lot of techniques which help to make this more easily as well as showing a colouring technique. Well done Paul.

October 2021
Tic Challis gave us very interesting evening showing us lots of things about air brush painting. She showed us  exercises to get to grip with the basic techniques. She then showed how to spray patterns through cut outs and how to stop other parts being affected. She also showed how to take a pen apart and how to put it back together. Thank you Tic for a very interesting evening I am sure that some of us will want to have a go.

February 2022

Tony Walton gave us an interesting evening showing some of the design and colouring techniques he uses on small boxes. He tried out a number of ideas and techniques he uses some of which he bought as packs of colours at very low prices. He also showed how to use designs which he had on paper by using a pencil to rubbed on the reverse to swap the design on to the wood. I am sure that some members will want to try out some of these ideas. Thank you Tony for a different evening.

April 2022

Peter Nicholls started by giving us some ideas about how we should plan a project before starting on the lathe. He listed, design shape, wood selection, tools, and finishing as things worth thinking about before starting the turning. He then followed up by turning a number of small items to illustrate the importance of the project plan. I think that we all learnt something from his demonstration. Thank you Peter for your evening.

June 2022

Mike Favenger gave us a very nice evening with good chat and great turning. His complete object showed both very capable turning coupled with pyrography and colouring. Very well done Mike.

September 2022

Paul Howard gave us a very interesting demonstration showing us how to make an off centre lidded box. He had to take care to sort out what needed to be turned at each point of off centre. The final thing looked great and he donated it to the club for next months raffle. Very well done Paul

January 2023

Brian Mansfield gave us a very interesting evening showing us some of the things he has made as a Pattern Maker. Brian has made all sorts of patterns. To enable metal items to be cast. He had to take care that he new the shrinkage of the metal after casting to get the final item to be the right size.

February 2033

Malcolm Lawson gave an evening showing us the details of pen making. He did not turn as he felt that getting the lathe out was not worth the time and effort as the turning part was easy to explain and the details of putting the various types together was much more significant. He showed and explained many of the different pens he has made including some which went wrong, which he explained. This was a very useful evening. Thank you Malcolm.

March 2023

Mike Favager gave us a great demonstration when doing the whole activity needed to make a horn to make mobile phones louder to hear. He was able to show and explain a number of useful techniques during the demonstration. Thank you Mike.

October 2023

Mike Favager gave us a very nice demo showing us how to make a lidded box using some very natural wood decoration. It differs to the normal box in that it was wider that the height. He had a few minutes left at the end so he showed us a mini blue tooth loudspeaker and made a wooden container for it and then played some music on it from his mobile phone. It was a very enjoyable evening thank you Mike

February 2024

Brian Partridge showed how to make a clock out of a piece of wood from the Sutton Hoo boat project. This could not be fully completed due to the time need to do the final finishes. Bot the techniques were shown on another clock.

                  SUTTON HOO WOOD                                                           FINISHED CLOCK

March 2040

Mike Savager started an evening showing us a glass tube and two small pieces of wood. He started turning the wood and made sure that the wood would fit on the top and bottom of the glass. He then painted parts of the wood black at which point he put one of the pieces of wood into a very interesting machine that then started to electronically put a picture on the wood. It was an electronic pyrography machine.The final activity was to attach an incense burner on the top and light the burner giving a wave of incense into the room. Wow thank you Mike for something very unusual and different.